The West County Road 112 Ground Water site is a ground water plume of chromium/hexavalent chromium located in Midland County, Texas immediately to the southwest of the city limits of Midland. The center of the site is designated as 2601 West County Road 112, Midland, Texas. The total length of the chromium plume exceeding the 100 micrograms per liter drinking water standard for chromium is approximately 1 ¼ miles. Chromium concentrations in ground water exceeding 10 micrograms per liter in have been detected across an area approximately 2 miles in length. The ground water data represents the chromium concentrations in the Ogallala aquifer or upper water bearing sands beneath the site. The site was identified in April 2009 by a local resident who asked the TCEQ to test their private well due to yellow discoloration. Sampling of this well revealed the presence of 5,280 ppb of hexavalent chromium. TCEQ has installed water filtration systems at homes where total chromium has been detected above the 100 micrograms per liter drinking water standard. The second round of monitoring well installation was completed in December 2011 and focused on the presence of chromium in the ground water immediately north of the Interstate 20 corridor. Six well locations were completed along the service road easement on the north side of I-20 (WMW-27, 29, 31, 32, 33, and 34). The site figure provided illustrates the approximate locations of the new monitoring wells completed in December 2011. The new monitoring wells, and a few of the existing monitoring wells, were sampled the week of January 2nd 2012. Samples were analyzed for total metals and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). The preliminary chromium data from the January 2012 sampling is presented in purple below the number of the well in the figure above. EPA completed installation of 21 monitoring well couplets in May 2011, and completed sampling of the new wells the week of June 20, 2011.
1,792 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$65,825 |
Average Income |
584 |
Occupied homes |
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