sprague road ground water plume


The Site is located in Ector County, Texas, immediately north of the Odessa City limits. The population within ½ mile of the site is approximately 400; the population within 1 mile of the site is approximately 400; the population within 4 miles of the site is approximately 18,600. The site is approximately180 acres in size and consists of three separate inactive or abandoned chromium plating facilities within a 1/3 mile area - Leigh Metal Plating, Inc., National Chromium Corporation, and Machine and Casting, Inc. The individual facilities are less than 4 acres in size and located in a residential and light industrial area. Three plumes of chromium contaminated ground water are present at the site. The largest of the three plumes originates from the Leigh Metal Plating Inc. facility; the next largest plume originates from the National Chromium Corporation facility; the smallest plume originates from the Machine and Casting, Inc. facility. The site is a mixture of light to medium commercial operations with private residences mixed throughout the area. While some private residences are connected to the Odessa public water supply system, the majority of residences are dependent on a single, high-quality aquifer for their drinking water. The Trinity aquifer is the only source of high-quality drinking water in the site area. The water table in the unconfined aquifer is present at approximately 85 feet below the ground surface. The base of the aquifer is present at approximately 145 feet below ground surface. The Triassic red beds form the base of the aquifer. Private wells yield an average of 24 gallons per minute. Ground water flow in the aquifer is to the east-southeast. EPA completed well installation for the in-situ treatment pilot test in June 2010 followed by the initial sampling of the 30 wells. The pilot scale injection of amendments for in-situ reduction of chromium beneath the former Machine and Casting facility test was completed the week of July 12th and the first round of post-injection groundwater monitoring was completed the week of August 23rd. A site-wide ground water sampling event was completed the week of August 30th. The fourth round of post-injection ground water monitoring was completed the week of December 13th. The pilot test evaluated the potential reduction in the time frame for cleanup of the contaminated ground water. The initial pilot test sampling results have indicated that the in-situ treatment has been successful in converting the mobile hexavalent chromium into the immobile trivalent chromium. The second Five-Year Review of the remedy protectiveness began in September 2012 and is scheduled for completion by September 2013. A site inspection was completed in May 2013. The EPA completed the five-year review process in September 19, 2008. The report is posted on the EPA Region 6 website and a copy is available at the local repository in Odessa. The five-year review determined that the remedy is currently protective of human health and the environment. The remedy will attain long-term protectiveness after the issues and recommendations identified in the First Five-Year Review Report have been addressed. The issues are related to revising the current ground water model to improve the capture zone evaluation, installation of additional monitoring wells to evaluate the increasing chromium concentrations in select recovery wells, and completion of maintenance and repair to system components.

Hazardous Ranking Score

43 / 100

A score of 28.5 or higher qualifies a site for the Superfund National Priority List.

Regional Contact

Region 6
Phone: (800) 887-6063

Contact Region



Site Inspection
Preliminary Assessment
Final Listing On NPL

Contaminants & Health Effects

      Endocrine Disrupter
      Reproductive Toxin
      Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic


        African American
        American Indian and Alaska Native
        Native Hawaiian


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        within a 1 mile radius


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