The McGaffey and Main Groundwater Plume Superfund Site is located near the intersection of South Main Street and McGaffey Street within the city limits of Roswell, Chaves County in southeastern New Mexico. The site spans approximately 550 acres and lies within a commercial and residential area where several dry cleaning businesses operated from approximately 1956-1963. The site consists of a ground water plume that extends about 2.0-miles in a southeasterly direction from the intersection of South Main Street and McGaffey Street. The McGaffey and Main Groundwater Plume site lies within the northern portion of the Roswell Ground Water Basin (RGB), a two-aquifer system comprised of an unconfined alluvial aquifer overlying an artesian (confined) limestone aquifer. A leaky confining unit separates the two aquifers. The top of the artesian aquifer is estimated to lie approximately 200 feet below ground surface (bgs) in the vicinity of the Site. The contaminant of concern is perchloroethylene (PCE); it has been detected in the alluvial aquifers underlying a portion of downtown Roswell, and poses a threat to the municipal and private drinking water supply serving the communities of Roswell. PCE has been found at concentrations that are above the safe levels for indoor air from vapor intrusion and drinking water standards in some monitoring wells. The City of Roswell municipal supply system is composed of 20 municipal supply wells. The system serves a population of approximately 50,000 individuals. Approximately 9,600 individuals receive their drinking water from five City of Roswell municipal wells located within four miles of the Site. Eight schools and one hospital are located within one mile of the Site. Environmental media that drive the need to take action at the Site include soil vapor underlying the 1100 block of South Main Street (Source Area); contaminated indoor air resulting from the intrusion of subsurface vapors into buildings overlying the Source Area; as well as contaminated-ground water underlying the Source Area and the Ground Water Plume Area. The Record of Decision was issued on September 30, 2008. The selected remedy removes contaminated soil vapor constituting a low-level threat, but high-risk waste, at the Site. The remedial components are expected to reduce the concentration of hazardous substances present in ground water through removal and treatment to levels that will allow for limited reuse of Source Area property while the remedial action is underway and unrestricted use of Source Area property when the remedial action is completed.
9,977 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$58,906 |
Average Income |
3,428 |
Occupied homes |
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