S24 & 25 T29N R7E
The Wausau Groundwater site encompasses an area in the northern section of the city of Wausau, Wisconsin, in which the groundwater potentially impacts six of the City Well Field's production wells. the city of Wausau provides drinking water for approximately 35,000 people from groundwater wells, located on both sides of the Wisconsin River. In 1982, three of the wells were found to be contaminated with high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In 1984, an interim carbon filter system was installed on one of the affected wells until two air strippers could be constructed. The air strippers, installed at the municipal water facility later in 1984, replaced the carbon filters as a long-term solution for providing acceptable drinking water to city residents. Approximately 32,000 people live within a three-mile radius of the site. The Wisconsin River, which bisects the area, is used for commercial and recreational purposes. There are two source areas that are associated with the groundwater contamination at the Wausau Site. The first source is an old municipal landfill, located south of City Well Six on the Marathon Electric property along the west bank of the Wisconsin River. The second source is in the Wausau Chemical facility property, located southwest of City Well Three along the east bank of the river. Soils at both source areas are contaminated with VOCs. The soils in the old municipal landfill are contaminated primarily with trichloroethlyene (TCE), and soils on the Wausau Chemical property are contaminated primarily with tetrachloroethelyene (PCE), TCE, and other VOCs. Site Responsibility This site is being addressed through federal, state, and potentially responsible parties' actions.
10,996 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$62,220 |
Average Income |
4,553 |
Occupied homes |
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