The Hechimovich Sanitary Landfill site (AKA Land and Gas Reclamation Landfill) is situated on 24 acres and is located in Williamstown, Wisconsin, a rural area, located approximately two miles south of Mayville. The site is a former municipal and industrial waste landfill that operated under different ownerships from about 1959 to 1986. For a period of time the site was licensed to accept hazardous waste and the site did receive liquid industrial wastes that were placed in unlined pits. Some of the types of wastes disposed in these pits included paint sludges, cutting oils, and spent organic solvents. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) required the pits to be closed in 1980. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) detected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in two wells downgradient of the site in 1984. During operations, the owner of the site violated the terms of the landfill's operating license by depositing solid waste in areas beyond those previously approved by WDNR. This violation was the subject of a state enforcement action in July 1987. EPA proposed the site for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL) in June 1988 and finalized the site on the NPL in March 1989. The towns nearest to the site are Mayville with 4,330 residents and Horicon with 3,585 residents. Approximately 5,000 people obtain their drinking water from private wells located within three miles of the site.
60 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$63,757 |
Average Income |
24 |
Occupied homes |
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