he State Road 114 Ground Water Plume site is an area of ground water contamination underlying the western boundary of the City of Levelland, Hockley County, Texas, approximately 31 miles due west of Lubbock. The population of Levelland is approximately 13,000. The land use over the plume area is mostly agricultural with pockets of light commercial or residential development. There are 28 impacted private drinking water wells in the area of the plume. The site consists of a 1,2-dichloroethane (DCA) and benzene plumes in the Ogallala Aquifer that extends from west to east (in the direction of ground water flow) along State Highway 114 for approximately 1½ miles from the former Motor Fuels Corporation (MFC) property to the City of Levelland municipal park. The ground water plume is approximately a mile wide, bounded roughly by Ellis Road to the north and Houston Avenue to the south. Analyses of samples collected during site investigations to date indicate maximum benzene concentrations of 19,000 ppb and maximum DCA concentrations of 380 ppb. EPA has established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 5 ppb for both DCA and benzene in drinking water. The businesses and residences in the plume area were previously dependent on private wells for drinking water until completion of the water line extension. The City of Levelland is dependent on ground water for approximately 1/3 of its drinking water supply. The Ogallala aquifer is the only source of highquality drinking water in the site area. The saturated zone is approximately 150 feet below ground surface and varies in thickness from 40 to 90 feet. Clays form the base of the aquifer. Ground water flow in the aquifer is to the east. The systems were designed and constructed in 2009 to achieve the remedial action objectives for the Site. The final inspection was conducted on July 27, 2010, and the Interim Remedial Action Report was completed on August 31, 2010. The soil vapor extraction and treatment system has recovered over 185,000 gallons of refined condensate from beneath the refinery that was contributing to the groundwater contamination. The groundwater treatment system has recovered and treated over 27 million gallons of water that has been injected back into the Ogallala aquifer. The 10-year long-term remedial action started in September 2010. The remedial action construction milestones included the following:  Completion of the remedial design in 7 months between July 2008 and January 2009.  Completion of the remedial action construction in 8 months between January 2009 and August 2009. The formal construction completion date is September 1, 2009 Completed installation of 21 groundwater extraction wells, 10 monitoring wells, and 4 injection wells by April 2009.  Completed installation of 62 soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells by January 2009 within the former refinery area.  Completed excavation and on-site disposal of 3,600 cubic yards of contaminated soil in April 2009.  Completed construction of a treatment plant building for the combined groundwater and soil vapor treatment system in May 2009.  Completed installation of the treatment system in August 2009. The treatment train for the contaminated groundwater includes an air stripper for removal of the volatile organic compounds, and metals precipitation and filtration for metals removal. A cryogenic compression and condensation treatment system was integrated into the treatment system for off-gas treatment from the air stripper and the SVE well network.  Installation of the water supply line from the City of Levelland was started in April and completed in July for all residential and commercial connections. Installation of the main line from the City of Levelland pump station was completed in May 2009. Testing and sampling of the line was completed in June followed by residential and commercial connections to the water line.
404 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$59,321 |
Average Income |
136 |
Occupied homes |
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