rockwool industries inc.


Location: The Rockwool site is an approximately 100 acre tract of land located at 1741 Taylors Valley Road, 1/4 mile east of Interstate Highway 35, and 1 2 miles east of downtown Belton, Bell County, Texas. The city of Belton is located in central Texas between Waco and Austin. Setting: The area surrounding the site is primarily industrial. There are several businesses, a gas station, a fast food restaurant, and two residences within 1/4 mile of the site. Approximately 3,000 citizens live within a one-mile radius of the site. The Rockwool facility operated as a mineral wool insulation manufacturing plant from mid- 1950 until February 1987. The site has been inactive since February 1987. Population: The population of the city of Belton is an estimated 14,500, and the population of Bell County is approximately 226,000. Hydrology Leon River forms the northern end of the site. The shallow ground water is located at 20 to 35 feet below ground surface in the Quarternery alluvium. The shallow ground water zone was being pumped by recovery wells and evaporated in an Evaporation lagoon. The shallow groundwater was located in the top 2 to 3 feet of the underlying George Town fractured limestone. The shallow parched ground water zone has very low water saturation. The shallow alluvial perched aquifer has very low yield. The Site is underlain by a Quarternary alluvium followed George Town formation, Edwards formation (saline in the area) followed by Walnut Comanche Peak formation, and the Glen Rose Formation. Potable aquifer underlying the site is located in the Hosston member of Travis Peak formation. Thus the shallow perched aquifer cannot contaminate the deeper Hosston formation located 600+/- feet bgs. There are minor seeps in the shallow perched aquifer unloading in to the south bank of the Leon River, which may carry contaminants of concern into the Leon River

Hazardous Ranking Score

48 / 100

A score of 28.5 or higher qualifies a site for the Superfund National Priority List.

Regional Contact

Region 6
Phone: (800) 887-6063

Contact Region



Site Inspection
Preliminary Assessment
Final Listing On NPL

Contaminants & Health Effects

      Endocrine Disrupter
      Reproductive Toxin
      Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic


        African American
        American Indian and Alaska Native
        Native Hawaiian


        People living
        within a 1 mile radius


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        Occupied homes

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