garland creosoting


The Garland Creosoting Superfund Site (CERCLIS ID TXD007330053) is located in Longview, Gregg County, Texas on 12 acres at 3915 Garland Road in Longview, Texas. The Site is bounded by Garland Road to the east, State Highway 149 to the west, industrial facilities to the north, and industrial facilities, wooded land, and homes to the south. An intermittent creek runs east to west through the southern portion of the property. Garland Creosoting is currently inactive and has been abandoned since bankruptcy proceedings in 1997. The nearest residences are located approximately one mile south of the Site across the unnamed intermittent creek. State Highway 149 borders the western edge of the Site while light industry borders the GARLAND CREOSOTING (GREGG COUNTY) TEXAS EPA ID# TXD007330053 Site ID: 0601644 EPA REGION 6 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 1 Contact: Philip Allen, P.E. 214-665-8516 Last Updated: May 2015 Garland Creosoting 2 EPA Publication Date: June 9, 2015 Site to the north and south. Texas Eastman Company’s wildlife refuge is located east of the Site. The Site is surrounded by an 8 foot chain-link fence, which has locking gates to restrict access to the Site. Based on conversations with officials of the City of Longview, the most likely future land use of the area surrounding the Site is high intensity retail business. Therefore, the mostly land use for the Site is commercial/industrial. Garland Creosoting began manufacturing creosote-treated wood products in 1960 and continued operations until declaring bankruptcy in February 1997. Six tanks were used to recycle waste creosote and waste generated during the wood preserving process. The waste from the tanks was placed in one of five unlined surface impoundments. Downgradient of the five impoundments was a sixth impoundment, which was used as a containment pond in the event of a release from the wastewater treatment process. Garland Creosoting discontinued using the impoundments in 1985 and began discharging wastewater, by permit, to the City of Longview’s wastewater collection and treatment system. In 1986, Garland Creosoting was required by the Texas Water Commission (now TCEQ) to close impoundments 1 through 5. Creosote-contaminated ground water, found during a series of subsurface investigations, resulted in the installation of 12 ground water monitoring wells between 1985 and 1989. Dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) was identified in 5 of the 12 wells. Because of the ground water contamination, the impoundments were closed as landfills in November 1989. The water was removed from the impoundments, and the creosote sludges and contaminated soil were capped in place. In June 1990, Garland Creosoting was issued a permit for post-closure care of the closed impoundments. A separate corrective action program was implemented under the closure permit to address the ground water contamination. The corrective action was implemented through a Compliance Plan incorporated into the post-closure permit. This Compliance Plan authorized Garland Creosoting to install, operate, and monitor a ground water recovery system to address contamination. A ground water recovery trench (French Drain) was installed along impoundments 1 through 5. The passive collection system channeled dissolved and free-phase creosote to a sump; the contents were pumped to the wastewater treatment system. When Garland Creosoting declared bankruptcy in 1997, the ground water treatment system was shut down.

Hazardous Ranking Score

49 / 100

A score of 28.5 or higher qualifies a site for the Superfund National Priority List.

Regional Contact

Region 6
Phone: (800) 887-6063

Contact Region



Site Inspection
Preliminary Assessment
Final Listing On NPL

Contaminants & Health Effects

      Endocrine Disrupter
      Reproductive Toxin
      Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic


        African American
        American Indian and Alaska Native
        Native Hawaiian


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        within a 1 mile radius


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        Occupied homes

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