T he Site is located within the City of Perryton in the extreme northern most part of the Texas panhandle in Ochiltree County. The City of Perryton has a population of approximately 7,758 people. Well No. 2 , which has been plugged and abandoned, was located on a 1.7 acre maintenance yard used by the City o f Perryton Utility Department. The maintenance yard is located near the northwest corner of Amherst Street and Santa Fe Ave. Well No.2 , which was a public drinking water supply well contaminated by carbon tetrachloride , was taken out of service in June 1989 when the Texas Department of Health originally documented the contamination. The Ogallala aquifer is the principal source of drinking water for the City of Perryton. The public water supply system consists of 11 or more wells completed in the Ogallala aquifer. Well No. 2 has a total depth of 420 feet and a static water level of 290 feet. Within the Site, the Ogallala has been divided into an upper and lower flow zones. The principal production zone for the City of Perryton is the lower flow zone, while the upper flow zone produces a minimal amount of water and is isolated from the lower zone. Ground water flow in the lower zone is to the south - southeast. The selected site - wide remedy in 2002 was a ground water pump and treat (P&T) system composed of two extraction wells and an air stripper treatment plant (ASTP) to remove the carbon tetrachloride from the extracted ground water. Two additional extraction wells were completed adjacent to City Well No. 2, targeting two separate intervals in the upper flow zone of the Ogallala aquifer. Well drilling, construction, and initial development were completed in December 2006 followed by additional development of each well in January 2007. The two new wells did not produce a sufficient quantity of water to operate as extraction wells and are now used instead as ground water monitoring wells. Sample results from July 2007 confirmed that ground water in the lower flow zone had been cleaned up. The pump and treat system was shut down in order to evaluate potential contaminant rebound in the extraction wells followed by sampling on October 29, 2007 and a second event on November 28, 2007. The October 29 th sample results indicated no change in extraction well MW - 17EX, but Well No. 2 rebounded back to concentrations similar to pre - cleanup conditions. Following the November 28th sampling, Well No. 2 was re - started to ensure that the lower zone did not become contaminated again. The results for Well No. 2 indicated that contamination from the upper zone of the Ogallala was migrating downward along the gravel packed annulus of Well No. 2 and contaminating the lower zone. Continued operation of Well No. 2 after 2007 was necessary to prevent recontamination of the lower zone. The two extraction wells were sampled again during the week of January 7, 20 08, and well MW - 17EX contained 1 μg/L of carbon tetrachloride (CTC) and Well #2 contained 3.6 μg/L of CTC. In coordination with the City of Perryton, EPA developed plans for abandonment of Well No. 2 that included over drilling the original borehole, rem oving the gravel packed annulus, and cementing inside and outside of the well casing to prevent vertical migration from the upper flow zone to the lower production zone in the Ogallala aquifer . EPA completed the plugging and abandonment of Well No. 2 in January 2011. Quarterly site - wide ground water sampling event w ere conducted in 2011, and no changes were detected in the lower flow zone carbon tetrachloride concentrations since the site - wide sampling events in April 2008 and July 2007. The lower zone well s have all remained below the cleanup goal of 5 micrograms per liter (μg/L or ppb). Based on the recent sampling data, the abandonment of Well No. 2 was successful in preventing further vertical migration between the upper and lower flow zones. The remaining extraction well MW - 17EX was shut - down along with the treatment plant in May 2011 when the City completed a water supply line to the northern distribution system and water from well MW - 17EX was no longer needed. Since the pump and treat system, or another remedial technology, is not capable of cleaning up the upper flow zone of the aquifer, EPA prepared a technical impracticability (TI) waiver for the carbon tetrachloride and nitrate cleanup standards in the upper zone of the Ogallala aquifer. EPA signed a Record of Decision Amendment in September 2011 that amends the 2002 selected remedy by including the TI waiver for the upper flow zone and the addition of institutional controls for property above the remaining contaminated ground water. The surface boundary of the TI Zone and the remaining ground water contamination is presented in the figures below. The second Five - Year Review of the remedy protectiveness was completed in April 2013. A site inspection was completed on September 17, 2012, in conjunct ion with the site - wide ground water sampling event. A fact sheet was mailed to the residence and business addresses surrounding the ground water plume site, and a public notice was published in the Perryton newspaper. The remedy was determined to be currently protective of human health and the environment.
5,195 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$60,423 |
Average Income |
1,724 |
Occupied homes |
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