The Hardage-Criner Site is located on State Highway 122, 3/4 mile west of Criner, Oklahoma in McClain County, approximately 30 miles south-southwest of Oklahoma City. The Site covers approximately 160 acres and is bordered by open farmland. The Site is bounded on the southwest by the North Criner Creek floodplain. North Criner Creek flows in a south-easterly direction past the Site, eventually discharging to the Canadian River. Runoff from the western side of the Site enters North Criner Creek and runoff from the eastern side drains into a series of three small farm ponds. Royal N. Hardage owned and operated an industrial hazardous waste land disposal facility at the Site from September 1972 to November 1980. Initially, the facility was permitted by the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH). In 1978, the State of Oklahoma filed complaints against the facility. The Site was closed in November 1980 and Royal Hardage filed bankruptcy in 1983. In 1984, potential responsible parties (PRPs) were notified of potential EPA CERCLA liability and the DOJ began legal action seeking to recover costs and impose an EPA CERCLA remedy. On June 25, 1986, the United States filed a suit for injunctive relief and recovery of response costs, against Royal Hardage and 35 arrangers and transporters. Most of these defendants and numerous other Site PRPs were organized into the Hardage Steering Committee (HSC). The Record of Decision (ROD) was signed in November 1986; however, EPA later withdrew the decision and issued a revised ROD in October 1989, but the Court disagreed, and the Judge ordered implementation of most of the provisions of the HSC remedial design plan. Therefore, the Site is under the HARDAGE/CRINER (MCCLAIN COUNTY) OKLAHOMA EPA ID# OKD000400093 Site ID: 0600988 EPA REGION 6 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 04 Contact: Michael A. Hebert 214-665-8315 Updated: June 2015 Hardage/Criner 2 EPA Publication Date: June 9, 2015 continuing jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma (Court) and operates under a Court Ordered remedy, not an EPA CERCLA ROD. The population within a one-mile radius of the Site is approximately 20 persons. The principal source of contamination is estimated to be 278,000 cubic yards of sludges, waste drums, highly contaminated soils, and waste liquids contained in three waste disposal areas near the center of the property. Hazardous substances detected in the source area include: 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2- trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, lead, chromium, poly-chlorinated biphenyls, and toxaphan. The remedial objectives as described in the August 9, 1990 Judgment and Order included: control of the surface water pathway, preclusion of site access and direct contact with waste, control of air emissions from source areas, preclusion of the use of affected groundwater, and provision for a contingent response to ensure continued maintenance of the quality of North Criner Creek. The Site itself is still owned by the Hardage family estate, but property usage is controlled by restrictive covenants. Public and private access and use are strictly controlled by HSC. Surrounding the security fence, perimeter fencing runs along the border of approximately 333 acres of land within the institutional control boundary. The institutional control boundary includes other properties adjoining the Site, which a Court Order required the HSC to acquire; these properties are subject to restrictive covenants governing uses. Installation of a public water supply to area residents has removed most nearby residents from domestic well water use as water is supplied through underground piping by McClain County Rural Water District 7.
28 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$65,101 |
Average Income |
11 |
Occupied homes |
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