The Computer Circuits site consists of a one story building, approximately 0.4 acres in size, located on a 1.7 acre lot in an industrial/commercial area of Hauppauge, Suffolk County, New York. It is bordered by Marcus Boulevard to the west and other commercial businesses to the north, south, and east. From 1969 to 1991, the property was owned by MCS Realty, who leased the property to various companies; from 1991 to the present, the property has been owned by 145 Marcus Blvd, Inc. Computer Circuits occupied the entire property from 1969 to1977. The site is currently occupied by Castle Financial Services, Inc. Computer Circuits was a manufacturer of printed circuit boards for both military and commercial applications. Waste liquids from the manufacturing process were discharged to five cesspools located to the southeast of the building and one cesspool on the north side of the building. On numerous occasions between 1976 and 1977, the Suffolk County Department of Environmental Control collected samples from the cesspools, and found that copper and lead were consistently detected at levels above the permit limits. An inspection conducted in 1976 revealed that the site was littered with trash, broken barrels, and spilled piles of chemicals and blue/green colored sludges. Chemical analysis of ground water samples taken from monitoring wells at the site indicated the presence of significant levels of copper and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Computer Circuits site overlies an interconnected aquifer system consisting of the Upper Glacial Aquifer and the deeper Magothy Formation. All nearby residents obtain their drinking water from public supply wells with 60 municipal wells located within four miles of the site. The site is located over a New York State designated Wellhead Protection Area.
8,225 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$117,608 |
Average Income |
2,295 |
Occupied homes |
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