The Site is centered near the intersection of Griggs Avenue and Walnut Street within the City of Las Cruces, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. The primary contaminant of concern is Perchloroethylene, a volatile organic compound (VOC) commonly referred to as PCE, perc or tetrachloroethylene. The City municipal water supply system utilizes a total of 28 supply wells to provide drinking water to the community. Dissolved PCE was detected both up-gradient and down-gradient from the affected municipal water supply wells. Four water supply wells are currently impacted at the Site, although only one, Well No. 18 (out of service since 1996), has demonstrated concentrations of PCE above the federal drinking water standard (a maximum contaminant level or MCL of 5 parts per billion [ppb]). The Site remedy was selected by EPA in a Record of Decision (ROD) in June 2007. The remedy consists of enhanced ground water extraction with treatment to remove PCE and other VOCs from ground water to concentrations at or below drinking water standards through hydraulic containment and treatment. The remedy maximizes the existing municipal water pumping and delivery infrastructure already in place with some retrofitting prior to ground water conveyance for treatment. The treatment facility removes VOCs from water via air stripping. The treatment facility is located immediately north of the old DAC Transportation Department maintenance facility and west of the new maintenance facility. Once treated, ground water is delivered to the municipal water supply.
12,507 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$-1 |
Average Income |
5,036 |
Occupied homes |
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