SEC 8 & 9 T78N R24W
The Des Moines TCE site is an area of contaminated ground water located southwest of downtown Des Moines, in the flood plain of the Raccoon River. The surrounding area is industrial and commercial, with some recreational parklands. The city's public water supply, which serves approximately 260,000 people, was discovered to be contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE) in 1976. The contamination was entering the water supply through the city's ground water source. The Dico Company, who used and disposed of solvent wastes containing TCE on their property through early 1979, was determined to be a potential source of the contamination. In 1984, the Des Moines Water Works stopped using the contaminated portion of the ground water supply. In 1986, EPA ordered Dico to undertake the Agency's selected remedy to protect the city's public water supply. During cleanup activities, another plume (the North plume) of contaminated ground water was discovered as being drawn into the ground water extraction system. An investigation was subsequently initiated to address the contamination apparently originating from the north and west of the Dico property. In addition, investigations on Dico's property revealed that past herbicide and pesticide formulation activities had left contamination in several Dico buildings and adjacent soils.
4,367 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$44,846 |
Average Income |
2,716 |
Occupied homes |
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