The Yaworski Waste Lagoon is a dewatered and backfilled lagoon, approximately 800 feet by 300 feet and 12 feet deep. From about 1948 to 1973, drummed material and bulk wastes including textile dyes, solvents, resins, acids, caustics, stillbottom sludges, and solvent-soaked rags were disposed of in the lagoon. Periodically, flammable liquid waste was burned in several pits in the lagoon area until 1965, when the Connecticut Department of Health ordered a halt to on-site burning of waste. The combined efforts of local residents and State and local officials concerned about adverse human health and environmental effects from disposal operations at the site led to the end of all dumping at the site in 1973. In 1976, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CTDEP) directed the site owner to assess the environmental hazard posed by the site. The owner was required to install monitoring wells adjacent to the lagoon. Sampling of these wells detected contaminated groundwater. In 1980, the CTDEP ordered the site owner to employ a professional engineering firm to conduct an environmental study of the property. The firm recommended closing the lagoon by covering the waste and, in 1982, the CTDEP ordered that the lagoon be closed in accordance with the engineering firm's report. After a fire in 1982, the EPA decided that additional information was needed about the site to better assess the potential threats to human health and the environment. The nearest residence that uses groundwater is located 1,600 feet upgradient from the site and across the Quinebaug River. The site is surrounded by agricultural land and bordered by the Quinebaug River. It lies within the 100-year flood plain.
270 |
People living within a 1 mile radius |
$77,184 |
Average Income |
109 |
Occupied homes |
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